Razia Handphone in SMPN I Tasikmalaya
Vice Principals, and teachers do razia mobile phones belonging to students SMPN I Tasikmalaya, on Tuesday (24 / 2), every classroom in the school. Razia is done to prevent beredarnya photos seronok and obscene, which saved the students in the mobile phone, followed by the issue of finding one of his students who are outstanding and smooch in the mobile phone.
According to SMPN I Tasikmalaya, Drs H Yudhistira Dadang, Selasa (24 / 2), after conducting research, students then go to the orderly room of each class. "Plan razia mobile phone belonging to the students that do not deliberately make a scene and worried students, but we do it with the professionals. They normally learn, while teachers check some mobile phone," he said.
In class 8, in view Wakasek, Ny. Hj. Euis check some mobile phones are collected at the top of a table, with the help a student to check in every Hp. When answering questions, Ny. Hj. Euis said, about 50 percent of students in the class that brought the Hp, they do not bring the rest Hp. "They bring a Hp that, intentionally provided his parents, because they feel if their child does not object to carrying Hp. However, the Hp-hp is turned off while studying," said Ny. Hj. Euis. Razia Hp SMPN I made it until noon Tasikmalaya not found seronok photos or photos not profanity.
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